My Digital Ladder Program

Two Delivery Models – One Mission

My Digital Ladder has a two-pronged approach to our program delivery model to best meet the needs of the community: 

1. High Schools – Traditional Classroom Delivery Program

Our high school digital marketing program began in 2017 with the goal of bringing awareness to digital marketing careers and to provide real world application of digital marketing concepts directly into the classroom. 

2. Community Workforce Training Partners – NEW! Comprehensive Certification Program

Today, we are continuing to grow and evolve our curriculum to meet the needs of the youth we serve. Our core curriculum is paired with expanded professional skills training and mentorship. Strategic business partnerships provide access to our graduates to internship and job placement opportunities upon completion of the program.

Key Objectives of the Program

    1. Bring awareness to digital marketing careers with an emphasis on skill building. 
    2. Provide industry leading curriculum with direct application opportunities within classroom instruction.
    3. Create meaningful pathways for internships, careers, community involvement, and continued education.

In The Classroom


Youth ranging from ages 15-20. No required experience to enroll in program.


Experts in their respective fields selectively chosen based on subject matter expertise, life experiences, ability to connect with youth.

*Just because a digital marketing professional is an expert does not mean they can teach, work with and connect with our students. 


Selectively chosen to be a student advocate. To walk along side students during and after the program.

Program Content:

The program consists of five unique areas to provide a succinct overview of the most relevant digital marketing concepts to youth today, including:

Brand/Product Development

Audience Identification/Strategy

Social Media Channel Strategy

Analytics – How to Measure Campaign Success

Marketing Campaign Creation

Final Pitch – Present to Panel of Industry Experts 


“Being the change we want to see in the world.”

Get Involved

Give back with your experience! Join our community of industry experts to expand the professional network for our alumni through a variety of volunteer capacities.